Monday, May 2, 2016


To begin, you will fill out my intake, which is an extensive questionaire – this is so that I can “know” you, know your specific body/mind, your specific ecosystem, and its interaction with the greater ecosystem that surrounds you. I see each person as an individual, with your own constitution and current state of balance/imbalance. I look at the whole as everything is connected, nothing separate. Each detail influences the big picture.

Once I have your intake and have reviewed it, we will communicate via email or skype to clarify details, then I will spend some time immersed in a focus on you and your current dynamics to determine the course of action and create a formula, then we will connect again for consultation. This will include education/recommendations on lifestyle and diet and a custom herbal formula which I will ship to you; the custom herbal formula is included free (a $50-100 value). Usually I create decoction formulas as this is a strong and powerful way to ingest herbs. Being able to customize to this degree means the formula is very specific to YOU, here now. Sometimes I utilize infusion formulas and/or tinctures, and as needed, external applications. I have about 250 herbs available in my apothecary for decoctions and other formulary and also make a product line, Ravenwind Botanica.

If you prefer I can recommend tablets/capsules that you can order online from a company that makes these. This latter offer means it is much less custom, though still chosen specific to your situation, but it means you needn't make or drink the decoction - this is what works best for some. The decoction is what I prefer you do, you will get results faster, but it takes some time for you to make it and it often does not taste good to the average palate. I admit, being a long-time Herbalist, I love the taste of many roots, and bark, and leaves, even the bitter ones – because I have experienced the good they do!

Each consult, whether initial or follow-up, includes my answering your questions and supporting you as you go, along with monitoring the process and responding as needed.

True Herbalism is not a “take this for that” or a “one size fits all” type of practice. My understanding and what I will share with you goes deeper than that. I will get to know you and your specific situation and offer you a customized response to achieve real and lasting results for your concerns.

"You are something that the whole universe is doing, 
in the same way a wave is something the whole ocean is doing…
The real, deep down you is the whole universe, 
and it’s doing your living organism and all its behavior. 
It’s expressing it, as a singer sings a song…
We need to experience ourselves in such a way that 
we could say that our real body is not just what’s inside the skin, 
but our whole, total external environment."
Alan Watts,  'Man’s Behavior with Nature'

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